Friday 24 June 2022

When to Start the Handwriting Improvement Journey?

It’s impossible to forget your baby’s first doodle when they are handed a crayon. It’s a cherished memory and, at times, even framed as a precious souvenir. Though those doodles mean little, giving your toddler a chance to doodle, draw, and sketch during the early years builds their fine motor skills, teaches them to use their hand and wrist muscles, and, in due course, improves dexterity. As parents, pride overwhelms us, and we care little about how ‘meaningless’ those doodles are.

Fast forward to a few years later, when children begin school, and we’ll see that parents can no longer remain oblivious to the meaningless doodles—especially not when the schoolteacher blatantly points out your child’s handwriting errors to you. There is a lucky minority category which includes the few children who instinctually pick up good handwriting either from their parents or from teachers.

handwriting course

Now, not all parents are handwriting experts and find themselves facing a dead end. Many parents resort to severe handwriting enhancement methods that make children rather dislike the idea of handwriting. Typically, the first technique parents resort to is a cursive handwriting book. If you have ever tried this method, you will be quick to agree that cursive-writing books are more closure-and-completion oriented than improvement-focused. Furthermore, not all children enjoy such solitary work and often shun this burdensome task.

At Classcapades, we acknowledge this challenge and offer a structured handwriting improvement course for kids under the guidance of one of our founders, Ms Lovena Mayekar, who has nearly two decades of experience in the field of handwriting and has also authored books on the subject of early-age handwriting development.

Here are a few striking aspects of our handwriting course:

  • The course focuses on the vital finer factors like letter size, line adherence, instrument grip, letter connections and proportions, writing speed, and much more.
  • Most kids prefer to use their right hands when they write and draw. However, some kids decide to use their left hands. It is absolutely alright, and there’s no need for children to switch hands when they choose to write with their left hand. The classcapades handwriting course is equipped to help children with both right-handed and left-handed dexterity.
  • We know that handwriting is not a one-size-fits-all skill. At Classcapades, the programme is customised for each child’s needs. We offer both cursives as well as print-style courses.
  • A USP of our handwriting enhancement course is that children enjoy it. We ensure this by breaking the monotony and allowing for engaging and motivating interaction in a group setup.
  • The programme works on the principle of habit breaking and new habit formation.
  • The programme provides maintenance strategies for children to stick to the newly formed writing style.
  • If you are looking for a handwriting course for your child, Classcapades has all the handwriting expertise you seek.

The handwriting enhancement programme is conducted only during children’s school vacations. Follow us on our social media pages to get updates about our upcoming batches.

Friday 17 June 2022

The need for English Reading Development for Kids? 

English is one of the most widely spoken languages and is pretty popular as the world’s business language. Fluency in reading, writing, and speaking English opens up far more local and international avenues for people. English language skills help a child to achieve success in their academic life and beyond. And the first step toward communicating correctly in English is developing good English reading skills. Developing English language skills is, therefore, essential in today’s world. 

English reading development program

Several college and university entrance procedures lay great emphasis on reading and oration skills, and good language skills would definitely help you make the shortlist. Learning English reading skills from an early age contributes to better oratory and vocabulary, two confidence-boosting aspects among the extensive list of interpersonal skills. The earlier we start this process of language skills development, the more proficient children become with the language in later years. Undoubtedly, English reading development for kids is a prerequisite to broadening their horizons and helping them aim for better careers. 

Better reading and comprehension skills are also essential aspects of creative writing for kids. It helps children’s overall academic performance. For instance, as academicians, we have often encountered children who lack proficiency in mathematics. Upon a closer analysis of many such children, we have realised that the issue is not an absence of mathematical aptitude but a lack of reading and comprehension skills. Without the ability to read and comprehend, there is little that children can do in other areas of academics. Especially when the medium of instruction is English, reading development becomes a must.

Besides, the better a child’s English reading skills become, the more interested they become in reading as well. Reading is a surefire way of expanding their repository of knowledge and ideas. Then again, the earlier we strengthen their reading skills, the sooner we help them develop the golden habit of reading regularly.

At Classcapades, we realise that although parents desire to hone their children’s reading skills, they may not be equipped with the skills and tools to do the same. In some cases, we have also had parents complain about how compelling children to read at home had led to rebellious attitudes towards reading. That is where our English reading development program comes in. Our Young Readers’ Programme for Sr. KG students and the Budding Readers’ Programme for grade 1 and 2 students employ well-researched methods and specialised tools along with a robust curriculum for children’s reading development. 

So, without much ado, begin your child’s English reading development journey today. Contact Classcapades: +91 83698 43603

Find details in our WhatsApp Catalogues.

Why learning English at a young age is a good idea

Learning anything at a young age is always effective in the long run. Leaning makes a child more prominent and effective in the future, as...